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About Del Rosa Christian Preschool

          Nestled in the heart of our community, this Christian preschool center is a place of nurturing and early education that serves as a beacon of love, faith, and learning for our youngest members. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, this center provides children with a solid foundation for their academic and spiritual journeys. Dedicated educators guide little ones through a carefully crafted curriculum that blends age-appropriate academics with Christian values. Children not only learn to read, write, and count but also develop a deep understanding of the principles of love, compassion, and kindness, rooted in the teachings of Christianity. It's a place where little voices sing hymns, and where friendships and faith are cultivated side by side. In this preschool, we're not just fostering future scholars; we're nurturing the seeds of future leaders with strong moral and spiritual foundations.


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Meet the Director

Ms. Maria, our Director, is a blessing to our families, as she puts out so much effort to get to know families, so we can serve our families with a personal touch.

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